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Utilisation d'une technique d'analyse d'images pour caractériser l'enrochement

Use of an images analysis method to characterize rockfill (PI-2.3)


Quality control programs put in place during the construction of embankment dams involve, among other things, grain-size distribution curves of the construction materials. These tests are done using sieves analyses. In the case of rockfill material used for the shells of the dam, sieves analyses are difficult to realize due to the size of the particles that may reach 2 meters of diameter, but also because of the wide range of particle sizes that can span five orders of magnitude (2 meters to 50 microns). Work carried out during the first phase of the Chair shed some insight on new analysis and stereology methods to establish grain-size distribution of the construction materials. The object of this project is to improve the images analysis method by evaluating new available methods and to establish their potentiel  to determine the grain-size distribution of rockfill material. In addition to reevaluating the number of images needed to determine the grain-size distribution of granular material, field campains will collect images and carry out sieves analyses during the construction of the Romaine-1 and Romaine-3 dams shells (MSc15).